Volunteer Opportunities
There are hundreds of opportunities listed on community websites, including Volunteer United by the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes and the Community Wishbook. You can learn more here and here. We are lucky to have these local resources for volunteers! A few of the current ongoing volunteer opportunities are listed below.
Selected List of Ongoing Opportunities
CP Rochester
Weeding at facility between 9am-4pm.
Perform and share your talents to entertain individuals in either the Preschool or Day Habilitation Program between 10am-2pm.
The People's Pantry
Various tasks including picking up and sorting food. stocking shelves, welcoming guests and distrib ting food on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9am-12pm.
Rochester Greenovation
Various tasks such as organize merchandise, move stuff, masonry work, upgrade plumbing, cleaning.